已經好耐無半夜開壇了! 個女越大,D 功課越深,night night 陪大少姐讀書,都唔知邊個先至喺學生??? 唉・・・
今晚突然發糯米「黐」,本來諗住收爐「攪攪豬」ZZZzzz, 但係癮到就一發不可收拾 (*O*) !!!! +*@?$###%&\XYZ 乜東東芫荽葱!
已經久遺了那「剪・剪・剪」的糯米滋了。 N 年前,我 grandma 帶我四處「蒲」時,唔知喺花園街街市吖定喺火炭火車站前,我見到有個阿伯,拿住個銀色鐵皮箱,前面寫住「糯米滋」三個字,嘩! 有野食,我更喺死 lur 啦!
阿伯便從鐵皮箱裏拿舊白色的粉糕出來,然後就 dum 落去盤花生椰絲芝麻糖到,跟住就不停地剪剪剪剪剪剪。 剪完後就用把 gaau 剪挑下挑下去尋寶。
挑到細細一舊二舊就放入去個四方小紙盒裏。 挑到無影無蹤時,就放多羹花生椰絲芝麻糖喺面,「柵盒」箍橡筋,收工!
唔知香港仲搵唔搵到呢隻 「剪剪剪 ・・・糯米滋」呢?
糯米粉 100g
暖水(約40度) 50cc (depending on the room humidity)
1. Mix the 糯米粉 with the warm water until the tenderness is similar to your earlobe. If too dry, add more water to the desired tenderness.
2. Place a slightly oiled wet cloth on the steamer and place the dough on top.
3. Steam for 15 mins until the dough is transparent.
4. Mix 100g of chopped roasted peanuts, 2 tablespoon of roasted sesame, 1 tablespoon of shredded coconut and 5 tablespoons of sugar together.
5. Dump the hot dough into 4 and cut it up into little pieces by a pair of scissors.
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