
醃子薑 Home made ginger pickles

I have to say, I am WAY behind in IT technology. My sister asked me to install WhatsApp on my i-phone and I thought to myself, "What App is she asking me to install???" Not knowing "WhatsApp" itself is an App!

Next, after installing WhatsApp, I didn't even know how to get the "password"!!!! With much help of my friends, I finally managed to obtain it.

GOSH..... this lacking in technology knowledge is a serious fallback of me. Got to "upgrade" myself to a more powerful engine, a full upgrade of my "brain!!!" is essential in order to catch up with the rest of the world.

Later, I learned that WhatsApp is a free SMS application where it enables you to SMS overseas at no cost. Ah ha.... IC!

Sometimes, I felt my sister was talking to a Taishan grandma (台山阿姆 being ME!), especially on new technology. I really had no CLUES as to what-so-ever she was trying to tell me.

So, after installing WhatsApp, the whole family happily SMS each others.... until I found out I couldn't get any "buzzes" from i-Phone without turning on the app itself.

So I missed a message from No. 3 asking, "How to make "子薑炒牛肉" (beef stir fried with ginger pickles).

No. 3 SMS the "gang" at 11.46 a.m. hoping to find our majesty highness, but failed, and me (the recipe provider backup), didn't read her message until 20.40p.m. , the time where I opened up the app.

By the time I replied, she had already finished her dinner and of course, the "子薑炒牛肉"(beef stir fried) was not done so properly. Then, I thought, without the phone buzzing me for messages alert, it defied the whole purpose of "real time" chat.

Was there something "wrong" with my phone again? I went to ask my "gig" sister, and she asked me had I turned on the "notification" in i-Phone.

Ha!???? What's that?

Thanks to her detailed explanation, I finally turned it on. Now, I get very timely SMS.

What an IT lesson I had.

No. 3, sorry about the delay, here is your recipe for 醃子薑 (ginger pickles), again, Tokyo C9 流.

This is how I make it and I am sure you can find other variations on the internet. However, I never fail with this recipe and it always turn out good!!! I hope you will enjoy them.

2 chunks of young ginger, about 350g (IT MUST BE YOUNG GINGER!!! Please do not replace it with ordinary ginger.)

Thinly sliced them. Anything thicker than 2mm should be discarded. Use it for soups.

Add a tea spoon of salt, give it a gentle massage.

Place it in a plastic bag until the ginger turns soft.

Pat dry them on kitchen towel. Make sure you squeeze out any excess water until it is rather dry and DO NOT RINSE the ginger. If you rinse out the salt, you will ruin everything.

Melt 2 tablespoons of sugar into 3 tablespoons of vinegar. Put the ginger into the marinate liquid. The ginger will turn "pink". Also , avoid using any metal containers for chemical reactions. Use glass bowl or ceramic.

Sterilize a few bottles, place the ginger and the marinate liquid in the bottle. If there is a "airway" between the cap and the ginger, place a layer of cling-wrap to seal off the air passage. To do so, the bottle can last longer.

Why young ginger will turn pink when mixed with vinegar? That's because in younger ginger, there is still abundant of anthocyanin where when reacting with vinegar will turn pink. 100% natural! So, please don't worry.

Now, you can make your
"子薑菠蘿炒牛肉", "子薑菠蘿炒雞丁, 鴨丁", etc.....

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