cooked with glass noodles and dried prawns. This dish had its very
touching story. My father's childhood friend wrote an article about my
father because of this dish. Please allow me to paste it here for
safekeeping of the article. Thank you Uncle Kwok. My tears simply couldn't stop rolling down each time I read this and thanks for being such a great friend to daddy.
「戴軒!」 是我的名字,「潮州」口音的叫法。 小孩時,聽到這個呼叫,會眉頭一皺,是舅母要吩咐我做野的時候了。 後來,學校裡,密切同學都知道這個名字,也這樣叫我。 以後,我就是最喜歡聽到這個呼叫了。 「戴軒!」下課了,他拖著他的「單車」,由學校的橫門走出校門,碰到我,「到我家食飯吧!」 他住在洗衣街,離學校是有一段路程的,只是為了不讓自己孤單地獨自午餐,寧願不騎上單車和我一起走路回家。午膳時,叫我十分地驚奇,他很熟練地洗米洗菜,同樣是十四、五歲的我,卻什麼都不曉得幫手,只有慚愧地站在一旁。 是簡陋「絲瓜炆粉絲」,大家卻吃得津津有味。 在社會苦幹十幾年後。 「戴軒!」,在寫字樓中,拿起電話,如果聽到這呼叫,就知道有以下的,「叫埋太太到我家食飯吧!」 那時不是「絲瓜炆粉絲」了,不用自己洗米洗菜了,他揸著他的「寶馬」,到街市就是「膳王」、「龍蝦」,而回到他「小瀝源」的寓所,是由工人負責烹飪了。我不是站在一旁了,而是和幾個老同學,興高采烈,在酒吧上把酒言歡了。 後來,他移民澳洲了,我也長期在大陸工作,見面時間少了。但間中聽到「戴軒!」的呼叫,就高興得跳了起來,就是他回香港了,又是可以大快朶頤,相聚把酒言歡的時刻了。 現在,他又再次移民了,老同學中,「戴軒!」的呼叫,又少了一人了。 今天的送行,就是不要悲傷,人生就是這樣,若干年後,又是可以歡聚一堂的! ────悼念李同學! 寫於西方寺追悼會。
「女女」腐皮炒牛肉 My grandfather was a great chef according to my mother although I had no memory of how he looked. In the old days, my grandfather used to obtain semi-dried bean curd skin from a famous Hong Kong shop "樹記", then he would trim the edge and re-delivered the "core" to other major restaurants. The edge that he trimmed off would be used for home consumption. My mum told me that he used the remaining edge, quickly turned it into a quick beef stir-fry. Even now, she couldn't taste the same anywhere else. In memory of my grandfather, I made this dish using my imagination plus my mum's vivid description.