My friend came visited me today and that reminded me of our "grand" visit to Shiseido's Losier last year in November.
It all began with ME (who else....), I wanted to try some genuine French and my French veteran friend who is also an excellent French patisserie herself, strongly recommended L’Osier.
Another reason why I wanted to go so desperately was that L’Osier closed this March for a grand renovation and it won't re-open again until Autumn 2013! So, I must tried it before it closed.
All the organization and booking was done by ME (who else!!! ha ha ha...) where I managed to have a "private room" for no additional cost!
It was a very wise decision that Losier "locked up" this bunch of gossipers, so our excessive chatting, overly gasping and endless questionings will not disturb other customers who wish to have a peace of mind to enjoy their food.
Truite Du Mont-Fuji Cuit - Chaud-Froid de Persil Creme de Raifort et Legumes Crus
(The above alphabets has NO meaning to me, because I don't understand FRENCH! ha ha ha...)
In English: Shizuoka rainbow trout cooked just right topped with parsley aspic glaze covering and accompanied by horseradish cream.
My first impression was, "Why do I have a piece of Christmas wreath looking trout in front of me!" (LOL....!!!).
The trout was cooked just "right", very tender, full of "river" taste but surely no muddy river stink. The parsley jello covering helped to alleviate the fishy smell and at the same time, enhanced its look greatly.
The horseradish cream was uber delicious. Everything was very well matched, each ingredient inter-assist each item, canceling out the bad flavor of one another.
Variation Autour de L'agrean, Chou Roule Aux Epices a Couxous, Puree de Patate Douce.
(In English: Roast lamb with Chinese cabbage roll and sweet potato puree)
If you don't know me, I love sweet and savory all in one plate. This is exactly the kind of combination I really love. That's why I love Peking duck so dearly because you need the sweet bean paste to go with the crepe and the crispy duck!
Bottomed with mango jelly, layered with cream and raspberry sorbet. I thought this WAS the dessert but it was only the beginning of the MAIN COURSE.
Tarte a la Vanilee de Madagascal et Chocolat Blanc Sorbet Orgeat
In English: White chocolate vanilla tart with almond syrup sorbet
To be frank with you, I was too stuffed to fully "enjoy" this. I got knocked out by the pre-dessert already.
In English: White chocolate vanilla tart with almond syrup sorbet
To be frank with you, I was too stuffed to fully "enjoy" this. I got knocked out by the pre-dessert already.
Totally stuffed and I only paid 6800 yen! Not bad for a Grande Maison price, honestly. Now, I need to wait until 2013 autumn or even longer (expecting to have a long long booking queue) until I can try again.
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