March 11 2011 marked a very special day in my life. I have always thought my life is rather unique as compared to my other siblings. Yet, this event made my life even more unique as not too many people would have had the same experience as me.
Lots of dear friends and relatives offered their kindness and support to me during this very harsh time in my life. In Chinese medicine theory, when you are in fear (驚恐)your emotion will be greatly disturbed (亂).
From : 『黄帝内経』 『素問』「拳痛論」七情傷気
百病生於気也。怒則気上、喜則気緩。悲則気消、恐則気下。寒則気収、炅則気泄。驚則気乱、労則気耗、思則気結。九気不同、何病之生。岐伯曰、怒則 気逆、甚則嘔血及飧泄、故気上矣。喜則気和志達、栄衛通利、故気緩矣。悲則心系急、肺布葉拳。而上焦不通、栄衛不散。熱気在中、故気消矣。恐則精却、却則 上焦閉。閉則気還。還則下焦腸、故気不行矣。寒則腠理閉、気不行、故気収矣。炅則腠理開、栄衛通。汗大泄。驚則心無所倚、神無所帰。慮無所定。故気乱矣。 労則喘息汗出。外内皆越、故気耗矣。思則心有所存、神有所帰。正気留而不行、故気結矣。
That was exactly me.
To thank all those who had given me lots of care and support (and they are STILL continually supporting and caring for me!!!), there's hardly anything I could do to repay them. I could possibly treat them for a nice dinner but how much could I pay??? Everything is so expensive in HK nowadays! The only thing that I could do would be cooking up a very simple meal, just to show my appreciation.
I prepared much in advance knowing I wouldn't have the "manpower" to do anything at home. When I thought everything was "set", then C got microplasma the very next day we arrived HK. Running with a high fever and coughing non-stopped, I didn't dare to take the risk of having guests in the house.
However, it was a miracle that her fever rescinded the very next day and her condition was well under control to the extent that I believed I could manage to host my guests. With the drawback of worrying spreading the germs to other kids, I only asked my close relatives to come. I warned my sister in advance, "I don't bear any responsibility if your child gets sick!".
Yet, with great courage, she and her family came and we had our thanksgiving party on schedule. I sincerely apologize to those who couldn't attend this time. Let's plan again!!!
(My sister called this clam shooters! ha ha ha.... it is clam cooked in rice sake then hardened the jus with agar agar. I added 茗荷(a kind of onion looking herb), ginger, 穂紫蘇 and pickles mustard in it).
(昆布〆鯛の手毬寿司. The bream was marinated in rice vinegar then sandwiched with Konbu (Kelp). Lollipop sushi with vinegar marinated bream).
(C's dinner. Plain rice porridge! I got to say she knew what she could eat and not when she falls sick. She never complained about rice porridge whenever she felt sick).
(中勢以's aged beef RARE roast beef. I made this very rare, almost raw to "show-off" the genuine taste of this beef).
(Steamed chicken with homemade clam sauce. I am Chinese and steamed chicken is a MUST for me! ha ha ha.... 大魚大肉!)
(畳鰯 sandwich. Tatami Iwashi means baby sardine flattened sheets. The filling was potato salad with smoked salmon topping).
(Foie Gras Flower! My sister commented that the "flower" was not that easy to eat so I modified this idea into something else for my next "foie gras" attempt. Yup, I love foie gras, livers and anything that can lead to high blood pressure, high cholesterol and 高脂血症! Life is short and enjoy when you still can).
(Mr. Yim's birthday cake. My sister paid for this black forest cake. Hoping I will get a cake in return on my b'day.... that was a 妄想! Which I should have known better......).
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