This year, I took the girls to Ebisu Garden Place (恵比寿ガーデンプレス) where they had special events organized for the children during this GW.

Golden Week (GW) means a long week of public holidays and for 2011, it could be as long as 10 days if you take May 2nd and May 6th off from work (plus taking Saturdays and Sundays into consideration). No one in Japan doesn't know what GW is!
(They handed free balloons to children but C lost both within 10 mins... SIGH.......... Fortunately, her very smart sister got one back SOON after the lost of her 2 lovely balloons! It is still hanging up high at home.)
2011's GW starts from May 29th and the holidays are as follow:
April 29th Showa Day (昭和の日)
April 30th and May 1st (Saturday and Sunday)
May 2nd normal working day
May 3rd Constitution Memorial Day (憲法記念日)
May 4th Greenery Day (みどりの日)
May 5th Children's Day (こどもの日)
I think to me, all other public holidays are not that "relevant" except the May 5th Children's Day. Thanks to that, there are lots of children events during the GW period.
(We had Krispy Kreme for tea.... free cup of milk! Yup, FREE again!!! ha ha ha...)
They had 2 different kinds of crafts planned for the event. 1. To make your own windmill (かざくるま). 2. To make your own flying carp (こいのぼり).
(Windmill made by A)
Further, the Mitsukoshi held a hand craft workshops during the GW 「親子でツクロウ・アソボウ」. "A" made a piece of hand woven cloth which got framed up and sent off to grandma in Iwaki for Mother's Day.

A chose some really colorful threads.

Working very hard on it.

Her masterpiece!
The highlight was the "bubbles" chasing spree! They used this bubbles machine to generate thousands and thousands of bubbles where C was crazy chasing after them! A had grown out of the bubbles chasing stage but C was absolutely crazy about it!

Chasing after the bubbles.
Where are you going??????????????? Wait for mummy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This year, I took the girls to Ebisu Garden Place (恵比寿ガーデンプレス) where they had special events organized for the children during this GW.
Golden Week (GW) means a long week of public holidays and for 2011, it could be as long as 10 days if you take May 2nd and May 6th off from work (plus taking Saturdays and Sundays into consideration). No one in Japan doesn't know what GW is!
2011's GW starts from May 29th and the holidays are as follow:
April 29th Showa Day (昭和の日)
April 30th and May 1st (Saturday and Sunday)
May 2nd normal working day
May 3rd Constitution Memorial Day (憲法記念日)
May 4th Greenery Day (みどりの日)
May 5th Children's Day (こどもの日)
I think to me, all other public holidays are not that "relevant" except the May 5th Children's Day. Thanks to that, there are lots of children events during the GW period.
They had 2 different kinds of crafts planned for the event. 1. To make your own windmill (かざくるま). 2. To make your own flying carp (こいのぼり).
Further, the Mitsukoshi held a hand craft workshops during the GW 「親子でツクロウ・アソボウ」. "A" made a piece of hand woven cloth which got framed up and sent off to grandma in Iwaki for Mother's Day.
Working very hard on it.
Her masterpiece!
The highlight was the "bubbles" chasing spree! They used this bubbles machine to generate thousands and thousands of bubbles where C was crazy chasing after them! A had grown out of the bubbles chasing stage but C was absolutely crazy about it!
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