
蛋・蛋・蛋 ~ 巻・巻・巻 ~ 日式「蛋蛋卷」 的做法 (だし巻き)

每個運動會前夕,我都要開工煮「蛋蛋卷」 (だし巻き Dashimaki) 因為「蛋蛋卷」 是運動會便當的例牌菜式。

在日本,大至上有兩派「蛋蛋卷」。 關西派和關東派。 關西派 (だし巻き Dashimaki) 味道偏淡,無甜味,外形淡黃色。關東派 (厚焼き玉子 Atsuyakitamago) 味帶甜,外形帶啡焦紋,有時我去壽司舖會最後叫一個「蛋蛋卷」當甜品。因為事實真喺幾甜。

今日,有個好朋友問我「蛋蛋卷」 點整,我幾眼瞓都要今晚寫起佢, 因為佢是我大恩人呀~ 

我個人比較喜歡關西派的淡味「蛋蛋卷」。好朋友, 希望妳也鍾意啦!

Whisk 4 eggs until smooth.

Make Kelp (昆布) and Bonito Flakes (鰹節) consomme soup.

Take 100 cc of the consomme.
For those who are lazy to make this soup, there are instant Japanese consomme soup powders
available at your local Japanese grocery store.

Add 1 table spoon of Japanese light soya sauce (薄口醤油 Usukuchishouyu) in to the clear stock. ** If you can't find this, use a table spoon of light "Thai" fish sauce (魚露) and half a tea spoon of any normal soya sauce.  That will yield a similar result, too.

Add half a tea spoon of Kudzu starch (葛粉)into the clear stock.  ** If you can't find this, use half a tea spoon of corn starch or potato starch is OK, too.

Pour the soup mixture into the egg.

Some examples of Japanese consomme soup powders are as follow.  All you need to do is to follow the packet's instructions, add the required amount of water to yield your clear stock.

素材力 無添加本かつおだし

安心無添加だしの素 母心

Heat up your egg roll fry pan in medium fire and add a table spoon of oil.

Spread the oil evenly over the pan.;

Pour in 1/3 of the egg mixture and swirl the pan around so the egg mixture can be evenly distributed over the pan.

Use a spatula to fold the half cooked eggs forward.

Then bring it back.  Oil the pan and add egg mixture in again.

Repeat the above procedures until all the egg mixture is used up.

Cover the pan with a sushi mat.

Turn it over.

Tie it up with a rubber band.

There you go and your roll is done.


大閘蟹 - 下集: 之仿「禿黃油」記。



有一日喺網上游來游去時,無意間「忠」咗入去 "Bon Appétit by Dorothy Ma"嗰 blog 到,見到文華廳嗰「禿黃油撈飯」,單叫每位要大「洋」HKD$168!!!!! 嘩!嘩!嘩! 真係睇到眼都「凸」埋。
對於我這個貧窮小 Tokyo C9 來講,第一,我從未踏入過高檔名店「文華廳」之外,  第二, 我相信我唔捨得比$168「蚊」去食一碗細細的 「禿黃油撈飯」。Typical C9 心理,唔抵 mah!

又想食,又無 "$$$" 的時候,又是這個 「無知C9」 亂咁來的時候了!

「無知 Tokyo C9」 X 「無喱頭」 = 亂離的五三五四 「禿黃油撈飯」 食譜!!! 哈!哈!哈!

1. 先拆蟹膏(4兩重的蟹乸2隻,公2隻).
2. 用薑汁酒蒸熟蟹膏.
3. 然後用薑葱起鑊,爆香肥豬肉,加蟹膏,撰酒,加上湯餵,加鹽調味,搞點!


相信這盒 Zip Lock Box 的禿黃油都可以食到 10 - 15 碗仔禿黃油撈飯嘅.
 簡直喺慢性膽固醇毒藥! 又要食,又怕死就喺我「哩亭人」喇!

都喺同朋友一起分享好啲。等今個月的「為食會」時同朋友仔一齊分享吧。 上個月我煮咗哩幾味,今個月我又煮咩嘢好呢?